Wednesday 6 July 2011

Knox Mountain Park

July 6, 2011

So today I took a drive to a park highly recommended for it's views of Lake Okanagan from the high ridge above town - Knox Mountain.  Many people Lisa works with have said it's a must-see spot.  And being one for scenery, I was waiting for the perfectly clear day to make my trip.  Today is a perfectly clear day - it is also a very hot day - like 35 degrees hot! (double that and add 30 to get Fahrenheit).  I had intended on getting there earlier in the day before the furnace kicked on high, but didn't make it to the park until 11am.  Thank goodness I packed a cooler full of water, dressed lightly, and slathered on the sunscreen.

The drive to the park is deceiving.  You pass through the warehouse district and lumber mills to get to there, making you think you have made a wrong turn.  There are no signs indicating there is a huge city park anywhere in the vicinity.  But once there, you climb up a steep road to a most breathtaking overlook/parking area where the trail heads are.  It being a Wednesday, the place was virtually deserted.  Those who were out were walking dogs - Kelowna is a big dog town (I can't wait for us to get one - and all I could think while walking the trails was how this would be a fantastic place to take a dog for a walk - of course, WHEN we get one, I'll be bragging and blogging all aboot it). 

I only took one trail today - the main trail that takes you along the edge of the lake - 4 kilometers round trip - the way back to the car of course being the part that went uphill.  I would like to have taken other trails, but the heat was just too much.  Besides, it leaves me more things to explore the next time I go out there.

Needless to say, I was completely blown away by the insane beauty of it all.  For all the stress aboot how expensive it is here, the scenery can't help but take it all away.  It is by far one of the most gorgeous places I have ever lived, and being up on that ridge today filled me with immense and satisfying happiness.  As with any move, any new city, any new adventure, there will be good things and there will be bad, there will be unexpected obstacles, and surprising joys.  For me, the bountiful nature, the epic views, the boundless skies and majestic mountains simply wash away all of my fears, concerns, worries, doubts, and second-guesses.  There is a catharsis in the outdoors here, a magic in the breezes.  No camera truly does justice to what the eye sees in person, but I hope you enjoy the pictures I took today (and I did take all of them) - and that they help you understand exactly what I mean when I say the things I do about how wonderful it is here in Kelowna.

The Kelowna Valley.  We live up the road to the left. You can just see the lake at the right side of the picture.

Downtown Kelowna & the bridge over Lake Okanagan from Crown Vista View Point in Knox Mountain Park

You come over a ridge and this incredible vista appears before you

Lake Okanagan looking north of Kelowna

A panorama of Lake Okanagan

Our new home - Kelowna, BC

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Moby for the beautiful pictures and the blog on Canada. Sharing your experiences is important to my wife and I as we decide if we want to move to Canada. We live in portland, or and I would qualify to move as a psychologist skilled worker.
