Wednesday, 26 October 2011


October 26, 2011

Due to the influx of personal attacks and trolling, I will be pre-viewing all blog comments that are submitted before they are posted to the blog.  While I am open to alternative views that are stated in a polite and educated manner (like those from Grant), I am not open to bitter ugliness that challenges my right to have my own personal opinions and experiences.  I see my life here in Canada through what I experience day to day.  To glean the whole story just from reading my blog posts is disingenuous.  These are anecdotes.  These are stories plucked from the days and hours of boring mundane life.  Are some of them negative?  Yes.  Am I entitled to dislike Canada?   Yes.  Is this a how-to guide to life in Canada & a serious manual for prospective ex-pats?  No.  No it's not.  It is nothing more than an online diary/journal of my time here in Canada, and a diary contains PERSONAL OPINONS which I have decided to share in the form of a blog.  If you don't like what I have to say, STOP READING.  But don't hijack my entertainment blog with over-serious, hypocritical comments - the more you you keep telling me how horrible I am for being disappointed in Canada, the more hypocritical you are in your own negativity and vitriol.  You are no better than the evil person you claim I am.  Your lack of open-mindedness to the idea that someone just might not be fond of your nation and calls it like he sees it is just as damning as your claims that I am lacking open-mindedness myself.  Your ugliness is just as bad you say my ugliness is.

I'm done with you, Anonymous.  If you are so proud of your Canadian citizenship, then face me under your real name, profile, as a subscriber.  If you just keep reading this blog even though it pisses you off, be the better person you claim you are by signing up so I know exactly who you are.  Or are you one of those cowardly internet trolls/haters/bullies who hides behind anonymity because your lack the courage of your convictions?  Afraid of me bringing the same heated confrontation to your site?  

You don't like what I have to say, leave. Or grow up and face me & stop hiding.  Either way, I'm done with you.


  1. Hello,
    I am the first 'Anonymous.' First of all, I would like to thank you for the blog post in which you addressed my concerns about cost of living, etc. in Canada. Just to clear things up, I've only written the one comment.

  2. Hi, Kaitlin,

    Glad to know I answered your concerns. Problem with people posting as "Anonymous" is that I can't single out those who are causing trouble and distinguish them from curious commenters like yourself. But I guess it comes with the blogging territory...
