Wednesday 9 November 2011

Some Pics

November 9, 2011

I know it's been a while since I have posted, but honestly, I haven't left the hoose much lately and on top of that, I've been under the weather.  Plus, I've been waxing negative as of late and wanted to let it seep out of my system before posting again.  So, in the meantime, I thought I'd share some pics I've taken lately - to share the undeniable beauty that is British Columbia.  No matter how frustrated I may get with Canada, I will never tire of the scenery here.  What's really great, though, is seeing how the same view can look so different from day to day - all of these pics being taken from the backyard (unless otherwise noted).

First snowfall of the year Nov 8, 2011

Taken out the side-window of the family room
Our hoose at the end of the street during the 1st snow

Sunset this evening, Nov 9, 2011

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