Tuesday 11 October 2011

Spoooooky Halloween Hoose!

October 11, 2011

Halloween is Lisa's favourite holiday.  She loves to decorate the hoose and call it the "Spoooooooooooooooooky Halloween House!"  And being as I have some Clark W. Griswold DNA in me, I kind of like to decorate the hoose for holidays, too.  And this being our first holiday season in Canada, with a new & bigger hoose to decorate, we were excited to jump right in. 

Sadly, some of our Halloween decorations didn't make it through the move - though we aren't sure what happened to them, as they are missing.  We had a 5' tall rubber vampire/creature that hangs upside down from an eve & whose eyes glow red - missing.  We had a 5' pose-able spider, too - missing.  So we had to buy some new things for the hoose. 

Once again, let me just say:  man, is Canada expensive.  We just can't believe how they can charge double the price here for the exact same crappy plastic/styrofoam/rubber decorations that you can get in the States.  Considering my penchant for going over the top of over-the-top for Christmas, it looks like I will be buying most of my supplementary lights and accessories when we go to the States this week.  Yes, we will be taking extra suitcases and doing some major shopping whilst there.

Anyway, we are the only hoose (so far - it is still early in the month) that is decorated in the slightest.  It remains to be seen if we will serve as a beacon for that small (nearly non-existent) community of children in our community for trick-or-treating.  If not, well then I will have a great supply of mini candy bars and Sour Patch Kids.  So here you go - as promised - our hoose decorated for Halloween!

Gravestones with a skeleton coming oot of the ground to the left.  The ghost is on a wire and will float back & forth b/w the house and the fence (over the gravestones) while making moaning sounds (is sound activated).  Black garland and skull lights around the front door.  Cobwebs on the fence and bushes.

The hanging ghoul's head glows & changes colours.  We put some masks on the Fu Dogs next to the front door, and raven cut-outs on the door itself.  Hard to see, but the lights above the door are skulls.

The orange stake lights are jack o'lanterns

If you are reading this from Kelowna - stop by the hoose in Quail Ridge:  we have lots of good trick-or-treat candy!

I'm hoping to post pics of Lisa's costume for work when the time comes.  As for me, ironically, even with the hoose decorated and all the candy that revolves around this day, Halloween is not one of my favourite holidays and I'm not one to dress up.  But I'll see if I can throw something together for handing oot candy.  I am open to easy-to-make, ironic, pun-laden, non-makeup-heavy costume ideas, so send in your suggestions.

In the meantime, should we add to the Spooooooooooky Halloween Decorations, I'll be sure to post pics!



  1. "Considering my penchant for going over the top of over-the-top for Christmas...."

    You'll have to see if you can outdo the guy at 2265 Bridgeview Road if he's still doing his thing this year. Good luck with that. :D

  2. You could go as hockey player- your call as to American (Bruins) or Canadian. Tooth black out mandatory either way.
    You really really decorated!
